Sunday, June 19, 2011

Green Lantern: The Second Viewing.

I will be seeing Green Lantern for the second time during it's opening weekend.  I saw it at midnight on Thursday, and really didn't have a desire to see it again.  However, I promised a good friend I'd take them to see it so we shall see.  I made  the mistake of reading all of the reviews before I saw the movie, something I try not to do for comic book movies so I can just judge for myself.

I'm reserving judgement until I see it a second time.  I'll be with a fellow fanboy who hasn't read any of the reviews and it won't be midnight during the work week so I won't be nearly as sleepy as I was on Thursday night.  I'm interested to see if my opinion will change any after seeing it a second time.  I waited what seems like two years for this movie, ever since Warner Bros. announced that Ryan Reynolds had landed the role of the top cop in sector 2814.

I walked out of the theatre not really knowing what to feel.  So I'll give it one more shot.  And then post my thoughts.

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