Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Washington Post Ultimate Spider-Man Coverage


Here's my write up on my feelings on the death of Ultimate Spider-Man that appeared in the Comic Riffs blog in The Washington Post (which if you're one of my three followers, you know is one of my favorite blogs).

You can read what I wrote here.

Believe it or not, once upon a time I worked for The Washington Post.  For five years actually from 2004-2009.  If you can work somewhere five years straight and it never feels like work, you should consider yourself lucky.  Most people have to play for the Yankees or work for the D.C. government to get that feelings.

I wrote this before I read this issue (which I picked up today, stupidly walking in a suit to Georgetown sweating enough to be mistaken for Patrick Ewing's half Latin love child).  Stay tuned for my write up on what I thought of the issue.

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