Sunday, July 24, 2011

Captain America: The First Avenger Review

I really enjoyed Captain America.  It was a lot of fun, and after a summer stuffed with comic book movies that ranged from the very decent (Thor) surprisingly cool (X-Men: First Class) and hugely disappointing (Green Lantern) I can think of no better way to end the summer superhero movie slug fest.

Chris Evans gave an impressive performance as CGI enhanced skinny Steve Rogers and super soldier Captain America.  Give Evans credit.  Here's a guy who's most notable role was playing a cocky womanizing pretty boy as the Human Tourch/Johnny Storm in the last two Fantastic Four movies, yet with the help of computer magic is completely believable as a 90 pound weakling who would give anything to serve his country during a war, but doesn't have the courage to ask a girl to dance.

Any doubts that Evans would be hindered by the fact that many would not be able to look past the fact that he was the Human Tourch and many would just see him as Johnny Storm in a Captain America suit can be thrown out.  Evans makes the role his own and is completely believable as the First Avenger.

The movie packs plenty of action with some intense scenes involving Cap and the Howling Commandos (who were fun to watch for what little time they were in the film).  Cap's shield itself could be considered a co-star as it had moments of it's own as it's thrown at bad guys and also used to pummel them, not just deflect bullets.

Tommy Lee Jones played a tough (and funny) Colonel Chester Phillips.  Tommy Lee is pretty much the same guy in every movie now (When he was Two-Face in Batman Forever, he was basically two versions of Tommy Lee Jones), but he's earned that right.

I must give Hayley Atwell props.  She's much hotter than I gave her credit for.  I hadn't really seen her in anything else and when I saw her in the Cap trailer I wasn't ranting and raving, but she turned in a well done performance as Peggy Carter (Cap's girlfriend) and had strong chemistry with Evans.  And as I mentioned, she's pretty hot.  Supposedly she beat out Keira Knightly and Alice Eve for the role.  A wonderful casting choice by director Joe Johnston.

Speaking of Johnston, he directed one of my favorite movies as a kid (The Rocketeer) which also happened to be a war time era movie.  What can I say, the guys good at taking you back in the day.  Captain America was like The Rocketeer enhanced with super soldier serum.

Why I am just now realizing this woman exists is beyond me.
My favorite aspect of the movie was the relationship between Captain America and his best friend James Buchanan Barnes (Bucky).  Their relationship is tweaked somewhat from the comic book, but it works in the movie.  I didn't realize it when I saw the trailer, but the soldier talking to skinny Steve Rogers at the beginning telling him that war is something serious, that's Bucky.  He's already enlisted and ready to go to war.  So imagine Bucky's surprise when his skinny best friend is now the US Army's most gifted fighting machine.

The costume designers did a good job with Bucky's uniform which obviously was influenced by his look in the comics.  The only thing missing is a domino mask, which I wish they would have added.

Sidekicks aren't something that are really around anymore.  They were a gimmick used back in the old days to lure kids to comics.  My favorite comic book character of all time (Robin The Boy Wonder) happens to be a sidekick, so I've always had a soft spot for them.  And I've always thought Bucky was cool.

The movie does well in establishing Cap and Bucky's initial friendship and eventual partnership.  This is something I wasn't expecting as Bucky's character is not one that they decided to promote, but I'm glad it made it in the film.

Bucky?  A sniper?  Hmmm.  Real fans know this could mean something.
Ovearall, a solid movie.  I actually wouldn't mind seeing it again, and so far only X-Men: First Class has made me feel that way.  I think this movie is actually a little better than First Class.  I give it eight power rings out of ten.  It's worth the money to see.

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