Monday, July 4, 2011

New Mission Impossible Trailer

The new Mission Impossible trailer is out and man is it cool.  When's the last time you said that about a Tom Cruise movie? (MI3 now that I think about it)  It makes perfect sense that if there's anything that can save the career of Cruise and get him back to the A-List, it's this franchise.

It's not an all Cruise show however as you would expect.  Tom Wilkinson and Jeremy Renner (whom you can see in the trailer) are also along for the impossible ride.

Pulling a card from the Mission Impossible 2 deck, Cruise recruits yet another bi-racial beauty in Paula Patton (Robin Thicke's wife) to be a part of his team.  Patton, like Thandie Newton in MI2, looks great and is all the reason I need to head out and see this film this December.  This is a huge role for her, not that she hasn't been in big movies before, but nothing like this one.

Proof positive of why we should all just get along.
Pretty mixed girls aside though, the film looks great.  I love the use of Eminem's "Won't Back Down" song featuring Pink, from his Recovery album.  The beat of the song goes along perfect with the action in the trailer until the transition into the forever cool Mission Impossible theme music.

This looks like a hit.  One Cruise needs desperately to make us forget about all the weird stuff.

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